
Zimmers' Hole -- 'When You Were Shouting At the Devil ... We Were In League With Satan' [review]

Zimmers Hole - When You Were Shouting at the Devil... We Were in League With Satan
Century Media (3/11/08)

As the initial blasts of the title-track and album opener pour forth from the speakers, it's clear that Zimmers Hole isn't screwing around.

Sure, most of the lyrics are delivered with tongue firmly planted in-check, but the music itself is so raw, intense and destructive, that the listener is left slack-jawed at just how good the metal is. And why would anyone be surprised? Guitarist Jed Simon (Strapping Young Lad) is a beast, Gene Hoglan (Dethklok, Strapping Young Lad) brutalizes the drum kit and Byron Stroud just destroys the bass; so who better to front such a band than Satan himself (a.k.a. The Heathen)? And while the band’s vocalist may hide behind a moniker, he's the real star of this show, switching from the highest pitched '80s-inspired wails to the most horrific death-metal growls this side of Obituary's John Tardy.

The band mixes a little bit of everything into the metal pot—crushing thrash grooves and heart-stopping double-bass beats intertwine with epic riffs from track to track. There are elements from every part of the metal soundscape... and we're talking 30 years of material from which to draw inspiration.

Lyrically, the band takes a shot at everything metal, as well—the glam scene, satanic content, sex and groupies and the "rock god" attitude. Hell, even the ability to read isn't safe (take a listen to "The Vowel Song" featuring Nathan Explosion of Dethklok on guest vocals). But it's all done out of respect... or so it would seem.

So while you can't take any of it too seriously, Zimmers Hole has still put together one of the best metal albums of the year. From the choking steamroller that is "Fista Corps" to the power metal anthem "Hair Doesn't Grow on Steel" and everything in-between, the band executes each metallic dirge with pinpoint precision. Doubt The Heathen's ability to wail? Check out "Anonymous Esophagus". What about proof of the band's death metal chops? Listen to "What's My Name... Evil!" Question the band's ability in general? Bask in the glory of "Flight of the Knight Bat". And if you question the band's pure ability to destroy everything in its path, crank the title-track at full volume.

It's supposed to be a joke, and we aren't supposed to take it too seriously... so why does it have to be so great?

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